§ 13.2. Locations and widths of vehicular access points along streets.  

Latest version.
  • The locations of vehicular access points along streets shall be based on the functional class of each street. The widths of driveways shall be based upon the uses they serve.

    13.21 Access Management for Major Streets. Access to building developments located along arterial or major collector streets in the Owensboro Urban Service Area shall be subject to the driveway spacing standards and the policies for applying those standards, as specified in the adopted "Access Management Manual for the Owensboro-Daviess County Urban Area."

    13.22 Access on Other Streets. Access to building developments located along all minor collector or local streets, and along major streets or roads outside the Urban Service Area, shall be limited as follows: The total width of all driveways shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the lot width as measured at the building setback line. For residential development, no point of access shall be allowed within ten feet (10') of the right-of-way line of an intersecting street. For non-residential development, no point of access to a street or to a shared development driveway shall be allowed within fifty feet (50') of the right-of-way line of an intersecting street (disregarding alleys), unless less existing lot frontage exists, in which case it shall be located as far from the intersecting street as possible.

    13.23 Maximum Driveway Widths. The width of each driveway along any street, as measured at the property line, shall not exceed the maximum dimensions in the following exhibit. All driveway widths in the Downtown Overlay District shall conform to Article 21.

    13.231 Maximum Driveway Widths
    as measured at the property line

    Two-way Driveway Maximum
    Residential 30 feet
    Commercial, single lot 40 feet
    Large planned development with median 60 feet
    Industrial, single lot 50 feet
    Large planned development with median 60 feet
    One-way Driveway Maximum
    Residential 16 feet
    Non-residential 26 feet


    13.24 Access Exceptions. The foregoing provisions of this section may be superseded in the following cases.

    13.241 Alleys. Access points to any lot where it adjoins an alley may be established as necessary.

    13.242 Planned Developments. The OMPC may apply less restrictive access standards along internal public or private local street rights-of-way for planned development projects, as delineated on the development plans approved by the OMPC.

    13.243 Subdivision Plats. The OMPC may apply more restrictive access standards to subdivision plats, depending on lot arrangement, as provided in the metropolitan subdivision regulations and public improvement specifications.

(Ord. No. 36-2010, § 2, 8-3-2010)