§ 13.1. Parking area development and maintenance requirements.  

Latest version.
  • Every parcel of land hereafter used as a parking area, loading or unloading area, parking lot, or stacking area, for the purposes of this Article, may be referred to collectively as "parking area" or "parking areas." Every parking area shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following requirements:

    13.11 Size, Shape, Access. Off-street parking areas shall equal or exceed the number of spaces or area required and shall be of useable shape and surface, and shall have appropriate ingress and egress. Aisles and access drives shall be designed so as to provide adequate vehicular maneuvering upon the property being served and in no case shall off-street parking areas be permitted which encourage or require the backing onto or maneuvering within any public right-of-way, unless otherwise specifically permitted in this Zoning Ordinance.

    13.111 Specific Provision to Allow Backing onto Local or Minor Collector Street Public Rights-of-Way. In all residential zones except R-1T, driveways and parking areas for dwelling units not sharing a common parking area may allow the backing onto a public right-of-way that is designated by the OMPC as a local street or minor collector street, provided that said driveways or parking areas shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) coverage of the total required front yard or side-street yard. In planned residential development projects, any individual driveway or common parking area may allow the backing onto internal public or private street rights-of-way, as delineated on the development plans approved by the OMPC.

    13.112 Specific Provision to Allow Backing onto Public Alleys. In any zone, any parking area, except a loading or unloading area, may allow the backing onto public alleys. Vehicular use area perimeter landscape easements may be eliminated where continuous pavement would preclude the application of the landscape easement along the alley.

    13.12 Paving. Except for single-family residential uses and A-U, A-R, and EX-1 zones, where parking areas are provided they shall be improved within six (6) months of application of any base material with an asphalt, concrete, brick or other properly bound surface, so as to be durable and dustless, unless otherwise specifically permitted in this Zoning Ordinance.

    13.13 Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall be arranged so as to reflect away from any adjoining Residential zone or uses and any public right-of-way.

    13.14 Drainage. Every parking area shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water within the parking area without carrying the accumulated water over a public sidewalk. Piping the water to a suitable outfall may be required. For any parking area, permanent storm water retention may be required by the official storm drainage engineer having jurisdiction, upon the determination that the lack of said retention would cause or aggravate flooding or other drainage problems on surrounding or downstream properties.

    13.15 Landscaping. Off-street parking areas shall be landscaped and screened as required by other provisions of this Zoning Ordinance. Landscaping and screening for off-street parking areas within the Downtown Overlay District shall meet the standards in Article 21.

    13.16 Size and Arrangement of Parking Spaces. The minimum width of a parking space shall be nine feet (9'). The minimum length shall be based on the parking angle. Parking space and parking area dimensions shall comply with the specifications in the following exhibit. ADA parking standards shall comply with current federal ADA parking sizes and requirements.

    A maximum of ten percent (10%) of off-street parallel parking spaces may be included as required parking spaces. Parallel spaces exceeding ten percent (10%) of the total required off-street parking shall be considered as accessory parking spaces and shall not count toward the required number of spaces needed for a use.

    13.161 Parking Space and Parking Area Dimensions

    Minimum Dimensions in Feet
    PA Parking Angle 90° 60° 45°
    L Stall length 18 21.9 24.7
    W Stall width 9 9 9
    WP Stall width parallel to aisle 9 10.4 12.7
    AW Aisle width 24 16 12
    B1 Bay width curb-to-curb, single-loaded 42 35 29.5
    B2 Bay width curb-to-curb, double-loaded 60 54 47
    B3 Bay width interlock-to-curb, double-loaded 60 52.5 44.8
    B4 Bay width interlock-to-interlock, double-loaded 60 51 42.6
    DC Depth of stall to curb, perpendicular to aisle 18 19 17.5
    DI Depth of stall to interlock, perpendicular to aisle 18 17.5 15.3



    13.17 Location of Parking Spaces. Wherever possible, parking spaces shall be provided on the same lot as the building being served. In the event off-street parking requirements cannot be met on the lot, the Owensboro Metropolitan Planning Commission may approve a final development plan with required parking spaces provided on a separate lot under the following criteria: For residential properties, parking shall be provided on the same lot with the building it is required to serve; for uses located or permitted in the Professional/Service or any Business zone, not more than two hundred (200) feet from the lot the parking spaces are required to serve; for hospitals, nursing, convalescent and rest homes, orphanages, private clubs, dormitories and churches, not more than three hundred (300) feet from the lot the parking spaces are required to serve; for uses permitted in the Industrial zones, not more than five hundred (500) feet from the lot the parking spaces are required to serve. Legal documentation tying the required parking to the permitted use must be submitted with the final development plan. No portion of off-site parking designated for a lot containing the use for which the parking is designated may be located at a greater distance than allowed by these regulations. The Owensboro Metropolitan Board of Adjustment shall not have the authority to grant dimensional variances from this requirement.

    [13.18] Right-of-Way Construction Permits. No curbs on streets shall be cut or altered without written approval of the City Engineer, County Engineer, or state highway department, as appropriate to the situation.

(Ord. No. 36-2010, § 2, 8-3-2010)