§ 15.3. Establishment and expansion of new business centers.  

Latest version.
  • New Business Centers are established by the development of a planned business center which acts as the focus for the contiguous expansion of the Business Center.

    15.31. A Neighborhood Business Center is established by locating a planned business center in a new area of B-1 zoning which should be located no closer than three-quarters (3/4) of a mile to any other area of B-1 zoning. The minimum area for this business center is five (5) acres and may provide for the partial subdivision of the center. Access points should connect the initial center primarily with a street or streets of collector status; each use in the initial center must be afforded access to at least one of these access points. Initial design and subsequent expansion of a Neighborhood Business Center should comply with established highway and street access standards. (see table below)

    B-1 Zone: Highway and Street Access Standards

    COLLECTOR Primary access at points no closer than 250' to each other
    CONTINUING LOCAL (continues beyond the center) Secondary access at points no closer than 250' to each other
    INTERNAL LOCAL (internal to the center) Access as necessary (all subdivided lots shall have access to dedicated public rights-of-way)


    15.32. A Highway Business Center is established by locating a planned business center in a new area of B-3 zoning. The minimum area for a center of this type is fifteen (15) acres and may provide for the partial or total subdivision of the center. Access points should connect the initial center primarily with a street or streets of arterial status; each use in the initial center must be afforded access to at least one of these access points. Initial design and subsequent expansion of a Highway Business Center should comply with established highway and street access standards. (see table below)

    15.33. There is no minimum acreage required for the expansion of an existing area of B-1 or B-3 zoning; however, expansion of the B-1 and B-3 Zones must be contiguous to the existing boundary of each zone generally on the same street or highway frontage and the aforementioned highway and street access standards shall apply although primary access is not necessary for expansion areas if secondary access is available. A B-1 Zone should not grow larger in area than fifteen (15) acres. There is no limitation on the maximum of a B-3 Zone. Expansion is achieved by development of contiguous planned business centers. Uncontrolled access (resulting in "strip" development) shall not be permitted in the B-1 and B-3 Zones except along an internal local designed for such specific purpose; intersections of internal locals with street types of a higher classification are limited in locational frequency as listed for access points in the B-1 and B-3 Zones (this provision applies to both initial and expansion centers).

    B-3 Zone: Highway and Street Access Standards

    ARTERIAL Primary access at points no closer than 500' to each other (access points must be accessible to all uses in the initial center)
    COLLECTOR Secondary access at points no closer than 250' to each other
    CONTINUING LOCAL (continues beyond the center) Secondary access at points no closer than 250' to each other
    INTERNAL LOCAL (internal to the center) Access as necessary (all subdivided lots shall have access to dedicated public rights-of-way)